
Garbage collection is a collective term for the various mechanisms Kubernetes uses to clean up cluster resources. This allows the clean up of resources like the following

Owners and dependents

Many objects in Kubernetes link to each other through owner references. Owner references tell the control plane which objects are dependent on others. Kubernetes uses owner references to give the control plane, and other API clients, the opportunity to clean up related resources before deleting an object. In most cases, Kubernetes manages owner references automatically.

Ownership is different from the labels and selectors mechanism that some resources also use. For example, consider a Service that creates EndpointSlice objects. The Service uses labels to allow the control plane to determine which EndpointSlice objects are used for that Service. In addition to the labels, each EndpointSlice that is managed on behalf of a Service has an owner reference. Owner references help different parts of Kubernetes avoid interfering with objects they don’t control.

Cascading deletion

Kubernetes checks for and deletes objects that no longer have owner references, like the pods left behind when you delete a ReplicaSet. When you delete an object, you can control whether Kubernetes deletes the object's dependents automatically, in a process called cascading deletion. There are two types of cascading deletion, as follows

  • Foreground cascading deletion
  • Background cascading deletion

You can also control how and when garbage collection deletes resources that have owner references using Kubernetes finalizers.

Foreground cascading deletion

In foreground cascading deletion, the owner object you're deleting first enters a deletion in progress state. In this state, the following happens to the owner object

  • The Kubernetes API server sets the object's metadata.deletionTimestamp field to the time the object was marked for deletion.
  • The Kubernetes API server also sets the metadata.finalizers field to foregroundDeletion.
  • The object remains visible through the Kubernetes API until the deletion process is complete.

After the owner object enters the deletion in progress state, the controller deletes dependents it knows about. After deleting all the dependent objects it knows about, the controller deletes the owner object. At this point, the object is no longer visible in the Kubernetes API.

During foreground cascading deletion, the only dependents that block owner deletion are those that have the ownerReference.blockOwnerDeletion=true field and are in the garbage collection controller cache. The garbage collection controller cache may not contain objects whose resource type cannot be listed / watched successfully, or objects that are created concurrent with deletion of an owner object. See Use foreground cascading deletion to learn more.

Background cascading deletion

In background cascading deletion, the Kubernetes API server deletes the owner object immediately and the garbage collector controller (custom or default) cleans up the dependent objects in the background. If a finalizer exists, it ensures that objects are not deleted until all necessary clean-up tasks are completed. By default, Kubernetes uses background cascading deletion unless you manually use foreground deletion or choose to orphan the dependent objects.

See Use background cascading deletion to learn more.

Orphaned dependents

When Kubernetes deletes an owner object, the dependents left behind are called orphan objects. By default, Kubernetes deletes dependent objects. To learn how to override this behaviour, see Delete owner objects and orphan dependents.

Garbage collection of unused containers and images

The kubelet performs garbage collection on unused images every five minutes and on unused containers every minute. You should avoid using external garbage collection tools, as these can break the kubelet behavior and remove containers that should exist.

To configure options for unused container and image garbage collection, tune the kubelet using a configuration file and change the parameters related to garbage collection using the KubeletConfiguration resource type.

Container image lifecycle

Kubernetes manages the lifecycle of all images through its image manager, which is part of the kubelet, with the cooperation of cadvisor. The kubelet considers the following disk usage limits when making garbage collection decisions

  • HighThresholdPercent
  • LowThresholdPercent

Disk usage above the configured HighThresholdPercent value triggers garbage collection, which deletes images in order based on the last time they were used, starting with the oldest first. The kubelet deletes images until disk usage reaches the LowThresholdPercent value.

Garbage collection for unused container images

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.30 [beta] (enabled by default: true)

As a beta feature, you can specify the maximum time a local image can be unused for, regardless of disk usage. This is a kubelet setting that you configure for each node.

To configure the setting, you need to set a value for the imageMaximumGCAge field in the kubelet configuration file.

The value is specified as a Kubernetes duration. See duration in the glossary for more details.

For example, you can set the configuration field to 12h45m, which means 12 hours and 45 minutes.

Container garbage collection

The kubelet garbage collects unused containers based on the following variables, which you can define

  • MinAge: kubelet 可以回收容器的最小年龄。设置为 0 可禁用此功能。
  • MaxPerPodContainer:每个 Pod 可以拥有的已终止容器的最大数量。设置为小于 0 的值可禁用此功能。
  • MaxContainers:集群可以拥有的已终止容器的最大数量。设置为小于 0 的值可禁用此功能。

除了这些变量之外,kubelet 还会回收未识别和已删除的容器,通常从最旧的容器开始。

在某些情况下,保留每个 Pod 的最大容器数 (MaxPerPodContainer) 可能会超出全局已终止容器的总允许数量 (MaxContainers),MaxPerPodContainerMaxContainers 可能会相互冲突。在这种情况下,kubelet 会调整 MaxPerPodContainer 以解决冲突。最坏的情况是将 MaxPerPodContainer 降级为 1 并驱逐最旧的容器。此外,一旦由已删除的 Pod 拥有的容器早于 MinAge,它们也会被移除。




上次修改时间为太平洋标准时间 2024 年 10 月 28 日下午 7:10:修复文档中错误的 image-gc-period (faed678f63)